Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why is it so hard for people to accept the success of other races?

Being on Yahoo! Answers made me see full force how racist America is. It's almost as bad as slavery. Why is it so hard for races to accept the successes of other races? Why can't a person just be happy for someone? Why does there have to be so much animosity and distrust? If one gets into college, why does it matter what their race is? If one finds love, why does it matter what race his/her partner is? There are so many ideas about others, unfounded, that are just so stupid! Just because I'm a black female doesn't mean I'm ignorant. Just because a girl is white doesn't mean she's a ditz. Just because a person is Hispanic doesn't mean they're out having kids. Just because a person is Asian doesn't mean they own hair and nail salons. People of all races are making GREAT strides in this nation. This is the land of the FREE right? So all the racists on this site, all the supporters, anyone! answer this: Why can't people accept the rights and successes of other races

Why is it so hard for people to accept the success of other races?

Easy explanation, People measure themselves by comparing their "life" to someone elses. For example in the case of white vs black, some (not all) white men grow up feeling like they are superior to at least a black man, then the black guy gets a job at the white guys office. Now the white guy's perception of his life just took a dump because according to him, he was doing good and now all of a sudden this black guy (who is supposed to be inferior, un-intelligent, irresponsible and unattractive) has caught up to him and may surpass him at any moment (cue the criticism). Now the white guy is made to feel inferior and must justify this to bring back some meaning to his life because now something is not right with this situation. "Affirmative action" is the first thing that comes to mind because that has to be the reason a black guy could ever possibly catch up. At least that is what society says.

American culture is at a turning point and the journey will not be easy. People come to America for a reason. It is the land of opportunity. You can be somebody here if you try hard enough. Sometimes you can't, that's life. Sometimes we as Americans (all peoples of colors and races that are American) forget this and revert to petty egotistical competition. For the ones that were born here we forget that our parents and grandparents came here to give us a chance to live without persecution and here we are becoming that which our ancestors hated. For the ones who are decendents from slavery we have to at some point bury the hatchet and move on. We cannot progress as a people while still holding on to the past. Exercise your freedom and truly be free. Because the real fight is with our perception of ourselves. Race and ethnicity is just a mechanism to distract us from the root of the problem. Don't buy into it, just try a little harder to be someone you and your children can be proud of.

Why is it so hard for people to accept the success of other races?

Great question. I really don't know. I try to talk to black people about this, and I will apologize for slavery and stuff, but they kind of get quiet and change the subject. I also try to hang out during breaks and lunches at their tables, but again, it gets all quiet and then they leave. I feel bad for them, and I try to show them that not all whites are racist, but they think I'm a dork.

Why is it so hard for people to accept the success of other races?

Jealousy...and if you see some of my answers, it may sound racist but I'm not, I call it how I see it..if I see a Hispanic having kids just to stay in this country, I'll say that SOME (not ALL) of them are doing it...or whatever example you want, I don't do stereotypes...but anywayz, it's also laziness, if a white bum sees a black man or woman succeed, then that means said bum can do it but he's just too lazy to, so then he says racist things....or you can stamp on whatever color you want to that there you go, it's laziness and jealousy.

Why is it so hard for people to accept the success of other races?

Yes black people have had a lott of succsess. But there is more black people who aren't succsessful than are.

Why is it so hard for people to accept the success of other races?

Why is it so hard for races to accept the successes of other races?

Please explain if detail...I am dying to hear of such great successes........

Shouldn't this be posted in:

%26gt; Society %26amp; Culture %26gt; Mythology %26amp; Folklore


Still waiting for an explaination...

1hr later


Still waiting for an explaination...

Why is it so hard for people to accept the success of other races?

It's hatred, plain and simple. I can't even say it's ignorance anymore b/c they know..but they still choose to spew hate.

There are positives and negatives in every race. I wish ppl would recognize that and stop trying so hard to point out the negativity in diff races.

I really think that America has this problem the worse b/c it was built on racism. The same evil that built it is the same evil that is destroying it. It's like a curse that has hold of this land and the ppl that live in it.

I pray better days will come.

Why is it so hard for people to accept the success of other races?

one man's success is dependant on another man's failure..we can't all be successful, so we all want everyone else to lose...race has nothing to do with it.

Why is it so hard for people to accept the success of other races?

I really think a lot of it has to do with the nature of people. All people.

As you say. If someone else does good at anything, yes, anything, there will always be someone, it doesn't matter who and race has nothing to do with it, who will come off with a comment like "they don't deserve it" and will actually take joy in seeing that someone loose whatever it was that they achieved. I don't care what it was. They could have climbed a mountain, and they did something wrong....cheated, broke the rules, had unfair advantage or whatever you like.

Fact of the matter is, how does this negative attitude advance their own position in life one silly little bit? Not a bit.

It really is the dumbest darn (pick another word) thing I've seen, and I continue to see it over and over.

Quick note to them all:

Tearing someone else down certainly is not going to advance your position in life at all.

Misery loves company, as my mom used to say.

Why is it so hard for people to accept the success of other races?

Unfortunately, it's human nature to look down upon people who are different and favor people who are similar. I'm a very open-minded person, but I still catch myself stereotyping at times because I can't help it. Racism a sad part of human society, but the world would be a better place if people at least kept their racist feelings/remarks to themselves and appeared to be friendly even if they completely hated the other person due to their race.

And to all the previous comments of "what successes?", I'll answer with names minorities who've contributed to society: Jimi Hendrix (one of the greatest guitarists in rock music history), Martin Luther King (one of the greatest leaders of the civil rights movement in the 60s), C鑼卻ar Ch璋﹙ez (Mexican labor leader who was a major contributer to improving the rights of union workers), Jerry Yang (Chinese co-founder of this Yahoo! site), Steve Chen (Chinese co-founder of YouTube), and I would list a lot more but this is getting long. =]

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